Tag Archives: Silver Linings Playbook

Jennifer Lawrence, World’s Most Desirable Woman – What’s Hot and What’s Trending 12 December 2012

Jennifer Lawrence looking hot showing cleavage - World's Most Desirable WomanJennifer Lawrence Voted World’s Most Desirable Woman – the Hunger Games actress has been voted the world’s most desirable woman in a survey by online mag AskMen,com.

The online magazine polled over 2.4m votes and the 22-year old actress topped the list this year. Although she is still probably best known for her role in The Hunger Games there has been a lot of critical support for her role as Tiffany in the rom-com drama Silver Linings Playbook. She is believed to have a good chance of an Oscar nomination for laying the part of the widow who starts an unusual friendship with bipolar sufferer Pat Solitano, played by Bradley Cooper.

Some people may be surprised by Jennifer topping the list of world’s most desirable women as she has a lot less publicity than many others who appear on the list with her.

The survey asked men to rate women based on such factors as looks, personality and talent. The list has been going for some while now and for interest the Top 5 for ten years ago in 2002 were:

  1. Monica Bellucci
  2. Elsa Benitez
  3. Halle Berry
  4. Heidi Klum
  5. Julia Roberts

The winner of last year’s most desirable woman was Modern Family star Sofia Vergara who surprisingly slipped right back to No 12 in this year’s survey.

Here is the Top 10 list of this year’s Most Desirable Women:

  1. Jennifer Lawrence
  2. Mila Kunis
  3. Kate Upton
  4. Rihanna
  5. Emma Stone
  6. Miranda Kerr
  7. Kristen Stewart
  8. Jessica Gomes
  9. Jessica Pare
  10. Michelle Jenneke
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Posted by on December 12, 2012 in Trending now


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